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🥮 Steady Link Cables, Mid-Autumn Festival limited price HK$999!【Click here】

🌏 Enjoy FREE shipping on order over HK$1000!

🛍️ Register as a member and get HK$50 for free!【Click here】


Spend over HK$1,500 in M.E. Studio online store, you can use the shopping credit!






1. Members can view the shopping credits they own and their usage periods on the personal account page.

2. Members can choose whether to use the shopping credit when shopping online and deduct any amount of the shopping credit they have.

Terms and Conditions

  • Shopping credits can be used for purchases over HK$1,500. A maximum of 10% of the purchase amount can be used for each order. Shipping charges (if any) will not be included.
  • The usage period of the shopping credit is calculated from the date of issuance by the system. Please pay attention to the usage period. It will be invalid after the expiration date and the company will not reissue the shopping credit.
  • Please note that shopping credits and membership points are only applicable to the M.E. Studio online store and do not apply to in-store shopping.
  • Welcome to subscribe to our store's email notifications. Member communications, discounts and privileges will be sent via registration email from time to time.
  • If any malicious behavior, illegal obtaining of purchase money or huge profits is discovered, the company may blacklist the member and reserves the right to pursue legal action.
  • The company reserves the right to change the content, terms and conditions of the offer. In case of any dispute, M.E. Studio reserves the right to make the final decision.